Copper Clean® Self-Sanitizing Surface Patch - Lever Handle Design
Copper Clean™ Self-Sanitizing Surface Patch - Lever Handle Design
Lever Handle Dimensions - 3" x 3" each patch
Copper Clean® Self-Sanitizing Surfaces are durable, self-adhering, antimicrobial copper covers. Apply Copper Clean® to door handles, push plates, and other high-touch surfaces to create self-sanitizing door handles and surfaces that kill bacteria*. Copper Clean® utilizes an EPA registered antimicrobial copper alloy that continuously reduces microbial* contamination on high-touch surfaces. Retrofit your existing door handles and high touch surfaces with the self-disinfecting power of antimicrobial copper!
Often referred to as the "Latch Patch" this design is specifically designed to protect lever type door fixtures - the most abundant style of door hardware in most buildings.The Copper Clean® Lever Handle Patch is sized to offer sufficient antimicrobial coverage at a price-point that allows for application at a large number of surfaces throughout your facility.Apply this self-disinfecting copper cover to door hardware in bathrooms, meeting rooms, atriums, and offices to protect these common surfaces from microbial* contamination.The design is perfect for right and left handed door hardware.
Delivery: Approx. 5 days from order placement to delivery
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